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ModuleJoinerConfig: Omit<JoinerServiceConfig, "serviceName" | "primaryKeys" | "relationships" | "extends"> & { databaseConfig?: &#123; extraFields?: Record&#60;string, &#123; defaultValue?: string ; nullable?: boolean ; options?: Record&#60;string, unknown&#62; ; type: "date" \| "time" \| "datetime" \| bigint \| "blob" \| "uint8array" \| "array" \| "enumArray" \| "enum" \| "json" \| "integer" \| "smallint" \| "tinyint" \| "mediumint" \| "float" \| "double" \| "boolean" \| "decimal" \| "string" \| "uuid" \| "text" &#125;&#62; ; idPrefix?: string ; tableName?: string &#125; ; extends?: &#123; fieldAlias?: Record&#60;string, string \| &#123; forwardArgumentsOnPath: string[] ; path: string &#125;&#62; ; relationship: [ModuleJoinerRelationship](/references/services/types/ModuleJoinerRelationship) ; serviceName: string &#125;[] ; isLink?: boolean ; isReadOnlyLink?: boolean ; linkableKeys?: Record&#60;string, string&#62; ; primaryKeys?: string[] ; relationships?: [ModuleJoinerRelationship](/references/services/types/ModuleJoinerRelationship)[] ; schema?: string ; serviceName?: string }

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